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Making Use of the Halfway Home Housing Option

A lot of people coming out of medical detox or rehab need some time to get back to their normal life, and this requires yet another level of healing. 

However, even though your home may sound like a great option, especially after all the time you’ve spent away from it, it may not exactly be optimal. 

After a long time spent in a hospital or a rehab center, many people find it difficult to return to their previous housing arrangement, and it’s part of why halfway housing exists. 

Without a support system that’s sufficient enough, you may not be able to complete the healing process, and if the environment can be triggering at times, this can also impede your progress. 

With halfway houses though, you’re given access to a housing option that’s meant for those that are willing to take on a sober lifestyle but may still not be ready to move back home. 

Keep on reading and find out more about how you can make your recovery easier for yourself and those around you.

What’s the actual purpose?

Some states have a different name for halfway houses, often calling them sober living housing arrangements, which is due to it being a facility for anyone going through recovery. 

This can be for a number of reasons, whether it’s drugs, alcohol, serving jail time, or even dealing with mental health issues, and it’s usually the first stop for those leaving a long-term rehab clinic or a homeless shelter. 

At times, a person may even be placed in a halfway house on court orders, whereas others choose to do so on their own, as it allows them to live in an environment that’s supportive of a sober lifestyle. 

However, due to these houses not being equipped with the means to deal with withdrawal symptoms and other repercussions of heavy drug use, most residents are required to pass a drug screening or a breathalyzer to be allowed in. 

The length of one’s stay can vary, although most stay anywhere between 3 months to a year, which is plenty of time to help them start a career and get their life back together.


Usually, halfway houses don’t impose restrictions on who their residents can be, although it’s widely accepted that those living in these arrangements are patients that already completed a treatment/rehab program. 

Because of this, people that have managed to maintain their sobriety have much greater chances of completing their journey by living at a halfway house than those that have just begun the recovery process. 

Despite this, completing the recovery isn’t a requirement to gain access, and even if you’re only beginning your journey to sobriety or have only gone through detox, you may still be allowed in, so long as you can adhere to the rules. 

Other times, these housing options can become residences for prisoners, which heavily depends on the circumstances of their imprisonment and the nature of the crime they’ve committed. 

This is decided by state laws, the local jails’ overall capacity, the prisoner’s behavior, and finally, the availability of the halfway homes in the area.

Rules and guidelines

Even though the rules can vary from one halfway home to another, there are some general rules that most of these facilities go by. 

When moving in, you’re forced to agree to the guidelines presented to you by the staff, and if any of them are violated, you’re putting yourself at risk of paying fines, covering any damages, and possibly even being evicted. 

One of the most common principles each halfway home requires you to uphold is remaining sober at all times, and this rule is further enforced with the random drug tests you may have to pass in order to retain your living arrangement. 

You should also take note of the chore list and do your part of the work in the house while also maintaining a healthy relationship with the neighbors and respecting their boundaries and belongings. 

On top of this, if you’re not already employed, some halfway homes may require you to apply for a job interview from the moment you gain access to the housing opportunity. 

What to expect?

Overall, halfway houses are an alternative to standard inpatient treatment centers, and due to them allowing for more freedom and flexibility, they’re an excellent option for anyone who’s determined to complete their journey to sobriety. 

Additionally, they may offer even more support than you’d get at your own home, allowing you to remain sober while doing all of your daily chores, and activities and keeping up with obligations such as school and/or work. 

At times, people who’ve just exited a rehab facility have a difficult time remaining sober, and a toxic environment is the last thing they need if they want to stay away from the substances that got them there in the first place. 

With halfway houses, this issue is eliminated, and you’ll be given immediate support and reassurance that you can complete your journey. 

Despite this, you may still be given days all to yourself in these homes, as a way of introducing you to a sober environment and letting you get used to it, after which you’ll be encouraged to attend therapy sessions and group meetings with other rehab patients. 

In fact, those living in halfway homes are usually incredibly dedicated to a sober lifestyle, and you may be able to learn a lot from them.


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